2023 Ledger Rite Newsletter

2023 Tax Season Updates Welcome to the IRS updates! …  2023 and 2024 are still in the historically low tax brackets, due to our 8 year tax plan which is due to expire in 2025… And MORE!   Read the Newsletter for More Updates Download the 2023 IRS Updates NOW! Published by Ledger Rite, a…

2022 Ledger Rite Newsletter

2022 Tax Season Updates IRS has rolled back all of the tax breaks… Welcome New Employee, Carla! Update on Child Tax Credit. College Student Updates. And MORE!   Read the Newsletter for More Updates Download the 2022 IRS Updates NOW! Published by Ledger Rite, a full service tax and accounting firm located in Saline, MI

2021 Ledger Rite Newsletter

2021 Tax Season Updates The IRS reports that over 8 million tax returns have not been processed and the backlog will continue until June 2022 according to their update.  So 2020 may still be an issue for some of your tax refunds.  Currently they report 16000 calls per IRS employee on the phone lines.  And…

2020 Ledger Rite Newsletter

2020 Tax Season Updates Welcome to 2020! We finally made it. Take a look inside the 2020 Ledger Rite Newsletter and read the new changes. Including Charity Deductions, IRA Deferral Withdraws, Energy Credits and more! Read the Newsletter for More Updates Download the 2020 IRS Updates NOW! Published by Ledger Rite, a full service tax…

We’re Moving!

2020 has been a busy year for the staff in our office. Preparing taxes, processing payrolls, counseling and advising for tax benefits. What else can we do to mix things up? How about a move to a new office! We are excited and very proud to be moving and expanding. The Team at Ledger Rite…

2019 Ledger Rite Newsletter

2019 Tax Season Updates TOP OF MIND: OBAMA CARE/MARKET PLACE STILL PENALIZING ACA Affordable Health Act is still in service with the 1099-A Market Place proof of health insurance is still required. Penalties will only apply if you underpaid your marketplace bill. Read the Newsletter for More Updates Download the 2019 IRS Updates NOW! Published…

Which Tax Return is Right for Your Business?

The Variety of Tax Returns for Business Our staff at Ledger Rite prepares: – Corporate tax returns – Partnership tax returns – Non-profit Corporate tax returns Corporate tax returns can be either forms 1120 or 1120-S. Form 1120 is for Corporations that are stand alone for tax purposes, a regular corporation with stock holder(s).  The…

Best Practice Bookkeeping Habits

Good Accounting Is Crucial to the Growth & Longevity Full accounting needs an audit trail for tax purposes. Ledger Rite offers computerized accounting services for your business in both desktop and online software. We also offer training and consulting in Quick Books, Peachtree, and Spreadsheet service. Full-Service Bookkeeping Includes Data Entry: Entering all checks, deposits…

No More Payroll Nightmares

We Take the Worry and Stress Out of Payroll! There are a variety of options for you to pay yourself and your employees. We can also take care of paying those pesky payroll taxes that come along with running payroll. For those go-getters out there, here are the links to get your started: All business…

2018 Tax Season Updates

2018 Tax Season Updates The IRS after the approval from our government has redesigned the Tax Forms for 2018 we now have a POSTCARD tax return (front and back 1/2 size) with new schedules that summarize the old schedules.. YEP.. I think they added more pages !! Read the Newsletter for More Updates Download the…